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通告關於2014袋鼠隊東征 (學濤) (07/08/13)


前言:四月份[袋鼠東征 ] 曾初定墨西哥西岸郵輪為目標,可惜過了一段時期,沒有得到太大的迴響,沉寂了一會兒,況且我們大家各人全沒有落實,又留下一段時間作考慮。

與會五對夫婦(兩人缺席)及吳立美姐妹(電話)決定袋鼠東征之一站,為東加勒比海七天郵輪,我們不懼未來澳幣的低沉,決定於明年赴美與各位同學校友,進行畢業四十週年的聚會,當然免不了探討北美洲的著名勝地,將東岸加勒比海收納,參加海上綠洲號郵輪,啟程日期四月十九日,在FLFort Lauderdale下船。希望留下美好的回憶。


註:袋鼠隊寄語呼籲各位親愛的同窗摯友,無條件地給我們最好的建議,關於以下各點:1)最好租住那一區的酒店旅館,以減少舟車勞頓,費時失事之誤。2)拉斯維加斯行程的提議。3 機場轉戴的提議。





To all Minh Vien alumni

I am pleased to announce that our Kangaroo team for the excursion in US is now confirmed and established with 12 members, they are 偉銓夫婦,建立夫婦,樹坤夫婦,德芳夫婦,學濤夫婦,及立美姊妹。

We plan our group to arrive in Los Angeles on Friday April 11th, 2014, follow by a gathering function (to be organised by US classmates) on Saturday April 12th, 2014. On Sunday, we can spend more time together.

By Monday or Tuesday, we want to have a short tour visiting Las Vegas for 2 nights.

We will leave Los Angeles on Friday April 18th, 2014 to arrive in Florida on the same evening, spend a night to prepare for the departure of 7 nights Eastern Caribbean Cruise around mid day on Saturday April 19th, 2014. The cruise ends at 6am on April 26th, 2014 when it sails back to Fort Lauderdale.

We try to catch a flight to San Francisco later in the afternoon, utilising 3 hours local time difference, and arrive in San Francisco on the same night April 26th, 2014.

After the second gathering function in San Francisco or San Jose if any on Sun April 27th, 2014, we will end the group but leave the days open at this stage for the return flight.

Any group member can decide to visit their family or relative at the beginning or ending of the plan.

We have not booked for airfare yet, as all destinations are well popular, we may tailor flight schedule as needed after more discussion.

We welcome your suggestion, comments and arrangement regarding accommodation, airport transfer and most importantly, how we organise the gathering function.

However, there is an important issue we are facing at the moment, due to the requirement by the cruise company, we must have at least 8 double cabins booked to be eligible for group booking, one of the advantage that concerns us is the ability to request for a private meeting room for our own.

If you are interested in this cruise, including any friend from other school, please email us by July 20th, 2013, so we can book under the same group, otherwise, it won’t happen as we will book and pay a deposit by then.

We are looking forward for the 2014 and wishing the best to everyone.

Best regards,

Cruise details:
Cruise ship: Royal Caribbean – Oasis of the Seas 2009 (Sister ship is Allure of the Seas 2010, same size)
Features: 220000 tons, 17 storeys, the biggest cruise ship in the world built in 2009 (See article elsewhere in GeeLoo’s Blog)
Departure date: April 19th, 2014
Depart and return port: Fort Lauderdale - FL
Duration: 7 nights
Ports of call: Nassau / Bahamas, Charlotte Amalie - St Thomas, Philipsburg - St Maarten.
List price: AUD Inside from 1044, outside from 1144, balcony from 1294 and suite from 2364
USD inside from 949, outside from 1049, balcony from 1199 and suite from 2299 (Prices are included tax and port charges and subject to change, insurance is not included)
Deposit amount to be advised.


  1. 唉!真可惜,錯過這麼好玩的旅程。相信其他樹熊隊,鴯鹋隊,鱷魚隊,等等會响應吧。最好再次寄集体電郵給所有同學以確保大家都收到信訊。另一方面我會於十二月中回越探親四星期,看看可否有機會與旅越的同學聚首,一齊慶祝畢業四十週年紀念。有意旅越的同學們請留言為盼。翠群

  2. 2014袋鼠隊東征学友们,我们洛杉矶同学们正在進行計劃,將配合您们旅程安排中.袋鼠隊友可以直接撥给我email;或Text messages to my I phone.(為保護個人隱私,本人電話和email 網址請向吉如站 geegeelooloo@gmail.com 索取).
    Keep in touch.
    Brian Ma(馬駿華)

  3. 好囉!有四哥出馬,一定馬到功成,掂!!真係好期望那天的來臨,記得上次您提及我們在比冬有遇上,我真係冇乜印象,事實都已經隔咗三十多年,您仲記得真係服咗您,有機會您都要提醒我,希望唔係我們之間有乜過節,哈哈,講笑啫!偉銓

  4. 有駿華學兄響應拔刀相助,我等霸業,功到渠成,指日可待,令人鼓舞,請繼續保持聯繫。我們正在與船公司及旅行社聯絡郵輪價格細節,其他事逐步考慮決定。

  5. 澳洲同學們,袋鼠東怔大畧計畫明年四月十一日(即星期五)您們人數是否同一時間抵達洛杉磯機場?(最好是同一齊,以方便接機)。旅館方面大概八十美元一晩(在週末價錢)七十美元(在平常日),至於去Las Vegas,我們將租車(一週租用,期間使用機場、接送,Las Vegas 來回車程)大概三至四部mini van(七人位座)介時將看人數參與再定,我正在罹省向各同學們參與意見,自願車夫和在Las Vegas 住宿旅館提供意見。


  6. 駿華,有您安排,相信萬事將會水到渠成,目前我們十二人已經落訂郵輪之旅,所以確定人數是十二位,但後期有否曾加就未知數,至於赴美日期,大隊將可能不一齊,至於詳細行程遲啲我哋會再聚餐決定,吳立美將不會參加洛杉磯之聚會,她將於回程時停留該地,至於我夫婦參加洛杉磯聚會後會飛MISSOURI ST LOUIS 探訪我三家姐,所以不能跟大隊去賭城,目前相信只有八人前住LAS VEGAS。依家正等緊旅行社回覆機票,到有消息再通知您。薛學濤係我哋呢次遠征美國領隊,再有進一步消息,佢會向大家公佈。
